Class Room:
Discovery 250
Time: TuTh 4:30-5:45
Office Hours see home page
Yiran Luo
Email: yluo97 at asu
Kushal Bhatt: M, W 3-4pm
2nd floor TA room
Email: kvbhatt1 at asu
Sreelakshmi Nerella
Tue 9-10am @ Centerpoint 114
Email snerell1 at asu,
Aditya Sharma W 2-3pm – 2nd
floor TA room
Email: ashar151 at asu
Braedon OMeara,
Thu 12-2pm @ 2nd floor TA room
Email: bromeara at,
Mid Term
Exam: March 13,
in class
Final Exam (comprehensive):
Part 1: Thu
April 26th, in class.
Part 2: Thu May 3rd,
2:30-4:20 PM (as per ASU Schedule)
[Exams are open
book, open notes. Computers allowed but no Internet]
- Operating System Concepts, Silberschatz, Gagne,
Galvin [Old editions of this book are fine]
Although discussing
homework/project problems with peers is acceptable -- be careful that you
work out your solutions.
Any impropriety in homeworks and exams will be
treated very
Assignments: 30%
Mid Term: 30%
Final: 40%
This is the home page for CSE330. The course
is a somewhat basic, conceptual course on Operating Systems Follow the links
to get to the course resources, handouts, homeworks
and projects.
[Live] Class
Synopsis: This is a page containing details
of each class and class notes. (with
audio, when available!!)
Group (using old group)
Student Academic Integrity Policy:
Reference Material: