CSE 466/598:
Computer Systems Security
FALL 2016
Instructor: Partha Dasgupta (click for contact and office hours info)
Class Room: PSY 102
Time: MW 4:35p-5:50p
Graders/Office hours:
Bhuvana Namasivayam
<blnamasi at asu> TuTh 1:30-2:30 BYENG M1-30 (mezzanine)
ASHWIN KINI <adkini at asu> M, W: 11:30-12:30 660 Centerpoint
Room No 114
Ramesh Bugatha <rbugatha at asu> Wed 2p-3p, Centerpoint
CIDSE Tutoring Center, table #11
Praveen Chirutapudi <pchiruta
at asu> Mon 10:30-11:30am, Centerpoint
CIDSE Tutoring Center, table #10
Mid Term Exam: Mon Oct 24th in class
Final Exam:
Mon Dec 5, 4:50p-6:40p in class room (as per ASU Schedule)
[Exams are
open book, open notes. Computers allowed but no Internet]
All exams will be open book, open notes.
The scores will be curved for grade assignment. Peer discussion of project –
but be careful that you work out your solutions. Any impropriety in projects
and exams will be treated seriously.
projects: 35%
- midterm: 30%
- final: 35%
(Final is comprehensive)
- Final Grades
Sample Questions for Mid Term
Class Synopsis: This is a page containing details of each
class and class notes. (with
audio, when available!!)
Group (using old group)
Student Academic Integrity Policy:
Reference Material: