CSE 531: Multiprocessor and Distributed Operating Systems
- Fall 2016

Instructor: Partha Dasgupta (click for contact and office hours info)
Class: TuTh 4:30p-5:45p @ CAVC 101

Alekhya Cheruvu <acheruvu at asu> Thu 1p-2p BY 464 AA cubicle
Yogananda Kishore Yalugoti <yyalugot at asu>  Thu 1p-3p Lab at BY 428

Rajesh Vakkalagada <rvakkala at asu>, Wed 1p-3p Lab at BY 428


Mid Term Exam: October 20 (Thu), in class
Final Exam:  
Part 1:  Thu Dec 1, in class
Part 2: Thu Dec 8, 2:30-4:20p (as per ASU Schedule)
Final Exam Location: MUR 101 <<< please note this room is different from class

[Exams are open book, open notes. Computers allowed but no Internet]


-Final Grades

Sample Exam

- Project-1
- Project 2
- Project 3
- Practice HW
- Project 4
- Project 5  new

Note: Projects need to be done in groups of 2. No exceptions.

All exams will be open book, open notes. The scores will be curved for grade assignment. Peer discussion of project – but be careful that you work out your solutions. Any impropriety in projects and exams will be treated seriously.
- project: 30%
- midterm: 30%
- final: 40%
(Final exam is comprehensive)


This is the jump page for CSE531/Fall 2015. This is a graduate course in Operating Systems and will cover internal, conceptual and theoretical topics of modern operating systems. Follow the links to get to the course resources, handouts, homeworks and projects.

The class synopsis page is an important resource, and it contains details of each class and class notes. (with Audio!!)
class synopsis / lectures  << important link


 Discussion Groups (using old group)

Student Academic Integrity Policy:

Additional Reading material:
Multiprocessor Operating Systems
Readers and Writers
FAQ on Threads
Threads explained
POSIX Threads Programming [Los Alamos] [IBM]
Implementing user level threads (actual code)
CC-NUMA Operating System
Network Operating Systems
Time, Events and Distributed Locking (Lamport)
Distributed Snapshots (Chandy, Lamport)