CSE 539 Applied Cryptography
Spring 2017


Instructor: Partha Dasgupta (click for contact info)

Class:  TuTh: 3:00-4:15p @ COOR


Teaching Assistants/Graders – office hours:
   Duo Lu - duolu.cs at gmail -- Friday 1pm - 3pm
   Vijetha Gattupallijgattupa at asu -- Monday 3 pm - 5pm
   Bhuvana Namasivayamblnamasi at asu -- Thu12.00 pm to 1.00pm
   ASHWIN KINI -- adkini at asu – Wed 10a-11a
Office hour location: BYENG M1-30


1.       Applied Crypto, Schneier

2.       A Graduate Course in Applied Crypto (Boneh, Shoup)

Mid Term Exam:  March 2, in class
Final Exam (comprehensive):  
Tue, May 2, 2:30-4:30p
(as per ASU Schedule)

 [Exams are open book, open notes. Computers allowed but no Internet]

Course Description

Class Policies

Sample Mid Term Exam

 Although discussing homework/project problems with peers is acceptable -- be careful that you work out your solutions.
Any impropriety in homeworks and exams will be treated very seriously.

Assignments: 30%
Mid Term: 30%
Final: 40%







This is the jump page for CSE 539. The course will cover concepts of Cryptography as used in Computer Applications.

The assignments in the class qualifies for MCS portfolio.


The class synopsis page is an important resource, and it contains details of each class and class notes:
>> class synopsis for students. (with Audio!!)

 Discussion Board (using old group) – please use

Student Academic Integrity Policy:

Interesting Stuff:

Attacking RSA
Lecture Notes on Cryptography
Handbook of Cryptography
Cryptography FAQ

Merkle's Puzzles.
RSA Proof in MSWord (also PDF)
RSA Proof in HTML/IE  (does not render fine in Firefox, OK with Chrome)

Number Theory

How SSL Works

 The official DES Standard document.
Good Papers from Rivest