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Partha Dasgupta


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Name:  Partha (rhymes with Martha). 
Or you can call me Peter :-)

  Professor Emeritus (retired)

Erdos Number: 3

   School of Computing, Informatics
   and Decision Systems Eng.
   Arizona State University
   Tempe, AZ 85287-8809

Physical Location:
  Room 428 
  Brickyard (on Mill Avenue)

Public Key is here (defunct)

Office Hours, Fall 2020:
- To be announced, location ZOOM

MCS project signatures can be done via Email.

Graduated (PhD)
. Yuan Wang (2016)
. Raghunathan Srinivasan (2011)
. Lifu Wang (2007).
. Ying Wang (2006)
. Prashant Dewan (2005)
. Shu Zhang (2004)
. Mujtaba Khambatti (2003)
. Tom Boyd, 2001.
. Keyu Jiang, 2001.
. Arash Baratloo, 1998.
. Donald McLaughlin, 1997
. Shantanu Sardesai, 1997
. Mei-Mei Fu, 1994
(co-advisor with Donald Miller.)

. Sathis Menon 1994.
. Mark Pearson 1993
. Raymond Chen 1991.
. David Pitts 1986
. Eugene Spafford 1986
(co-advisor with Martin McKendry.)
Current Class (Fall 2020): 

CSE 531: Distributed and Multiprocessor Operating Systems

Prior Class (Spring 2020): 

CSE 330: Operating Systems

        Email is checked regularly,


    - Phone is rarely answered.
    - No voice mail 

Fax:   480-965-2751

Beyond Academics

Flying little single engine aircraft is fun. To find out more about this oddity, please visit The Flying Page

I used to write semi-technical weekly columns for a newspaper. Read two years worth of them, by  clicking here